


半导体工程坐下来讨论人工智能(AI),机器学习,和芯片与阿基光掩模制造技术》的首席执行官d2;杰里·陈,商业和生态系统在Nvidia开发经理;资深技术专家平Nakayamada NuFlare;和产品区域经理主管和米凯尔Wahlsten Mycronic。以下是摘录的谈话。阅读第一部分,点击在这里。读第二部分在这里

资深技术专家从左到右:平Nakayamada NuFlare;阿基》的首席执行官d2,米凯尔Wahlsten,导演和产品Mycronic区域经理;陈和杰里,商业和生态系统在Nvidia开发经理。
图1:平Nakayamada唐森,NuFlare资深技术专家;d2首席执行官阿基》;和产品区域经理主管米凯尔Wahlsten Mycronic;陈和杰里,商业和生态系统在Nvidia开发经理。





陈:还有很多在这里工作。天下没有免费的午餐。最后,有人做一些工作。工作是有点不同。矿业信息,发现有用功能的数据。让我给你一些例子。在电路仿真方面,我们看到这样的情况,人们做出预测的地方你应该集中注意力。这是某种形式的热点。有不同种类的热点。当然,你可以用在人身上。 But first of all, it would take a lot of time, which you don’t have. It is also not necessarily as repeatable and consistent, because a person’s performance kind of varies over time. Also, you don’t have the ability to continue to learn from more examples and from the performance of the system. And you also may miss it in the system when the process drifts. Definitely, in many cases, deep learning has been shown to be more accurate. In many cases, it has certainly shown that it doesn’t waste time or money with false positives. It’s definitely more consistent. In the end, from our perspective, the outcome is faster. It’s not just the compute is faster, but the business outcome essentially comes earlier and the payoff is faster than you would otherwise have achieved.


:从数据准备,EUV需要更多的精度。所以,需要更精确的面具为了使EUV可行。所以你怎么做呢?这将需要更多的计算能力。今天,面具周转时间已经很长了。所以你不想让面具周转时间商店更糟。你如何解决这个难题呢?这就是深度学习将会发挥作用。深度学习计算问题使您能够更快更准确。你能做到的两倍,这将是更准确的。 It’s not deep learning by itself that’s going to do that. But using deep learning in a part of your processing allows you to make that happen. That kind of speed up will enhance the accuracy. That’s exactly what EUV needs.

Wahlsten:我们的主要业务是平板的面具的作家。与NuFlare有点不同。对半导体面具作家来说,最大的挑战是规模特征尺寸。板边,特征尺寸有点大。通常,你是半微米左右。但它是非常重要的一致性。登记是极其重要的。如果你没有层间注册好还是坏CD一致性,影响图像质量。所以,我们有很高的要求CD均匀和稳定的工具。同样,当你在写这些面具,它可以采取许多天。 And then, you need to keep the tool stable within a few nanometers for several days. That’s a big challenge. If you have a focus error of 20nm or something, maybe you need to scrap the whole mask. So, when you are making a display, it’s very similar to a semiconductor device. You are building up a backplane. You are controlling the pixels. It’s not like in the high-end semiconductor market, where you would have 80 masks to create a CPU. Instead, you maybe have 10 masks or something to create a TFT backplane. Actually, it’s a big electronic device. So, customers want as accurate masks as possible. That’s quite fundamental for our industry. The mask is the blueprint. So we will strive to have the best quality as possible in order to have good production yields.








