





图片来源:保罗·科恩/ ESD联盟


莱茵:50的实际综合市场份额最大的半导体公司减少了在过去的10年。不是巩固市场份额。它实际上是减少,因为它总是。半导体产业是一个行业,你爬上基于一个特定的功能,建立一个大的市场份额,然后你变得足够大,增长速度大致相同行业整体水平。所有的新公司和新公司进入基于新一波的增长,所以他们比整个半导体行业增长快得多。在一段时间内,他们取代公司前10名,成为十大基础设施的一部分。他们也必须创新和灵活的如果他们想呆在前十,因为三分之二的公司已经在十大不再是前10名。成熟的一个迹象的半导体行业总是引用,就像任何成熟以前钢铁,汽车,或无论半导体行业遇到了高原,增长率很低,需要整合效率。但这不是真正的巩固。其实更多的增长。 People also point out there are hardly any fabless startups anymore. But there were reported 800 additional fabless startups in the last two years in China alone. Because of the Chinese government stimulus, the estimates are that the Chinese semiconductor revenue will grow $350 billion over the next eight years, which is more than 100% of the semiconductor revenue in the world today. A lot of factors say, ‘Don’t take that consolidation too seriously because 80% of it was six mergers.’ Even though there were a lot of smaller ones, almost all the dollars were in just six.




莱茵:有几种不同的类型。有并购的效率,你简单地消除重复,降低成本,如果你有重叠你获得细分市场份额或胀大。这是比不常见。与65年的合并在过去的两年里,成本削减是25%的平均synergies-a委婉语减少运营费用的结果合并。一些并购比其他人更积极。Avago显然是非常积极的协同效应的预测。有些少,但平均水平是25%。有趣的是,人们认为他们会削减研发或费用(一般及行政费用)25%。所以研发怎么了?研发半导体行业的增长在2015年和2016年。 Consolidation didn’t end up taking away the R&D. If it did, new competitors would enter the market and take advantage of the fact that the establishment was not investing.


莱茵:在西门子/导师和软银/手臂mergers-they是一种不同的收购。在这两种情况下,你读了新闻发布会和对成本协同效应或没有减少,因为没有计划降低成本。你所看到的在西门子新闻稿是收入协同效应。这是西门子认为导师,研发支出更多的客户支持,其收入增长速度比如果我们继续我们之前的方式。这是我们的董事会不得不考虑的一个因素。我们变的有多快?我们可以维持或增加我们的市场份额作为一个独立的公司和如果我们有非常雄厚的较慢的增长速度,正在寻找新领域投资,扩展新领域?这就是西门子呈现给我们的。我们希望你投入更多,因此我们想让你成长得更快。领域我们的回应,我们将投资领域第一市场地位或有可能得到第一的市场地位。’ For Mentor that means things like the Calibre family of 40 products, design for test, high-level synthesis, emulation and things like that, plus some where we are gaining market share very rapidly and doubling revenue, like SPICE simulation. On the system side, in areas like cabling, wire harness, specific areas of automotive, embedded software, it’s a totally different kind of thing than the typical merger and acquisition you read about.




莱茵:在设计方法和工具,是市场增长速度的约2倍。为什么没有我们的整体收入增长速度远远超过市场吗?答案是,即使我们开始IP业务,我们最终退出。在1994/1995,我们做了29个IP公司的收购,我们建立了最大的市场份额,和一切都很好。然后Synopsys对此发现发生了什么,咄咄逼人。我们根本没有钱来报价。他们有更深的口袋。对于每个新启动和新技术,我们会去投标,我们会输。导师有一个策略,说你是第一,你是要第一,或者不混乱世界与另一个竞争对手。世界不需要三个供应商或更多的一切。但展望未来,我们有非常雄厚的父母,每年900亿美元的收入正现金流,渴望的增长速度,相信虚拟电子产品和系统的设计,最大的增长将会发生。 Digitalization—the ability to virtually verify, to go from concept through design, development, manufacturing, and support, and do this all on computer and a company—that has quite a strong foundation on data management, mechanical CAD, device modeling, computational fluid dynamics, and so on. It’s now a division that has a strong level of competence in electronic design, both system and IC. So what happens moving forward? One thing is the money is there for us to compete acquisition-wise. Second, the resources are there to grow into new areas that we have not been investing in as fast as we could. And third, it offers the opportunity to penetrate this interface between system-design and IC design. That is a big opportunity I’ve talked about at almost any meeting I’ve been at before. In IC design, we’re pretty well automated and penetrated through the entire flow. In system-design, the world is in the stone age, so a big growth opportunity exists if you can virtually design and verify a car, plane, or train instead of building prototypes and testing.


莱茵:有促进理论了超过十年,也许二十年。过去然后他们导师说,“我们认为这一切机械/ CAD与电气和一起你会有一个伟大的终端,和每一个工程师会使用相同的终端,这样他们就可以获得所有的数据。“我一直最伟大的批评家之一。和我仍然。我不相信电气设计工程师想坐在一个通用的终端,你可以做机械CAD和电气等等。他们需要的是在其他领域的信息的访问。为什么创业成功的与大公司竞争时?我的结论是一个新的问题出现,公司试图开发一个解决方案,大公司在一组软件开发,硬件开发,集成电路设计在其他地方,他们都是工作和他们从来没有得到一个最佳的系统解决方案。启动的软件开发人员是同一个人硬件开发人员作为商人,是同一个人的推销员,等等。他们看到整个问题和把它在一起。


莱茵:他们必须得到工具允许电气设计师获得足够的嵌入式软件和机械设计,您可以开发最优的解决方案。今天,导师拥有领先的市场份额工具来开发和设计汽车线束,飞机、火车。你可以看这个,想知道这是多么困难的线束,不是一个集成电路。答案是,它可以是非常困难的。这是一个三维布线问题,成为你的集成电路,但还没有。第二,有成千上万的约束,建立了多年来。一个汽车公司会说,‘不超过5电线在一捆在湿区在一辆汽车。“其他公司有一组不同的规则。这些约束的约束你就像建在你的路由器和验证工具。现在的问题,你有150个ecu和1亿行软件代码。没有人可以开发和验证连接,所以现在你必须去自动布线。 How do you know that the wire bundle will fit through the hole in the doorframe? How do you know the wire is long enough to go up through the roof of the car and back down to the other side? That’s in the mechanical database. How do you get access to that? With great difficulty. But over the past 25 years we’ve been doing this, we’ve found ways to get that data. I can tell you that it hasn’t been easy. The suppliers of the mechanical are the owners of the mechanical data and are somewhat reluctant to give access to that data. Over the years, we managed to get by, but when you have a partner that now gives you total access, it now motivates your other suppliers to do the same so you can provide an efficient solution. Now, all of a sudden, you have a car wiring system that can take into account all aspects of the mechanical design, optimized with the electrical design, and produce a lower-cost, shorter-wire-length, more-efficient, more manufacturable system. And you can do all sorts of things you couldn’t do before.


莱茵:这就是伟大的EDA。如果你辨别什么是不同的关于系统和集成电路设计师,传统上它是一个设计组件,而另一个将不同的技术集成到系统解决方案。系统供应商通常运行的利润率高于组件供应商。soc,人更复杂的集成运行更高的利润在ICs的人比出售商品的组件,比如内存组件。我们进入的时代设计自动化系统,这意味着我们可以添加更多的价值,但它需要新的专业知识。如果你看物联网模块,现在突然要担心无线个域网、蓝牙、射频,数字、模拟、MEMS,光子学,所有这些一起工作在这个小物联网模块。有多少人经验模拟模拟和数字在一起,更少的模拟,数字,射频,MEMS,光子学吗?这是一个系统设计的问题。新的创新的设计师利用这谁开发系统级验证和设计能力,将丰厚的回报是他们的公司,因为它是不容易的。这是一个全新的机会开发专长,设计师需要进入和花时间。 Digital has gotten very big, but it’s not going to grow at nearly the rate that startups and new designs are going to grow in mixed technologies.


莱茵在所有维度:有问题。每次我们得到一个新的节点,得到一组新的物理问题,新的复杂性问题,很多休息的工具,我们必须开发新一代的他们。让我单独的革命性的进化。传统上,EDA生长不是进化,而是革命。如果你回头看看EDA片段,追逐成熟公司尽管他们遇到新问题每一代人的收入增长并不多。事件驱动模拟每年增长1%到2%在过去的10至15年。地点和路线过去10年增长约2%。PCB设计工具增长约1%至1.5%在过去的25年。这些技术已经极大地改善其能力管理复杂性的发生随着电子产品的增加,但你没有得到回报。人们希望购买新的工具基本上相同数量的美元,加上一点,每年。 In our event-driven simulation, we increase the number lines of code by about an order of magnitude per decade. So where does the growth occur? It occurs when a new problem comes along for which there are no tools. In 1999, optimal proximity correction accounted for zero dollars for EDA. Today, optimal proximity correction provides more than $100 million in revenue for Mentor, and the industry is approaching $200 million in revenue and growing very rapidly. It didn’t exist 15 years ago. It’s now a fast-growing and big part of EDA. The same is true for these other new technologies that come in. Someday photonics will be one of those, but it’s not today. In the last decade, analog/mixed-signal in various forms has grown. We’ve had substantial growth in other new technologies. High-level simulation and synthesis has grown from zero dollars in the 1990s to a $150 million market today. Our high-level synthesis and power optimization tools we have with the Calypto family doubled its revenue last year. The new technologies that are solving the new problems are where the growth occurs. The grand-daddy of them all is system-design, the ability to apply the fundamentals of IC design automation to designing systems on a chip and systems that are bigger systems, and integrating that with embedded software where the verification problem has increased dramatically and where the revenue growth for EDA companies is growing substantially.


卡尔·史蒂文斯 说:


鲍勃Ledzius 说:





