
最后的三个部分:未来承诺为一系列MEMS-based应用程序,从bioMEMS MEMS医疗设备,包括MEMS-on-CMOS以及整合的机会。fab-foundry平衡是MEMS目前也在变化,可能在未来有更多的平衡。


半导体工程坐下来讨论的挑战MEMS的Rakesh Kumar GlobalFoundries MEMS项目的高级主管;应用全球服务董事总经理达克田中应用材料;执行技术总监保罗•林德纳EV组;和艾莉萨·m·菲茨杰拉德在上午菲茨杰拉德& Associates创始人和管理成员。以下是摘录的谈话。

SE:目前,MEMS IDMs一般外包或勤杂人员铸造厂的生产。,会改变吗?

Kumar:现在,超过70%的MEMS业务仍在IDMs的手里。再次,你必须看看整个MEMS业务。MEMS是微机电系统。所以MEMS被视为一个系统,不是一个组件。当这个词系统,这意味着你必须提供一个完整的解决方案。IDMs取得成功,因为他们提供了一个完整的解决方案,如设计、过程、包装和测试。他们也使应用程序从一个系统的观点。所以一所有的内部功能提供系统性解决方案。和MEMS工艺而言,这也是一个IDMs的核心竞争力。但是现在,我看到MEMS正朝着另一个方向,在铸造厂可以至少提供一个处理客户的解决方案。 And at the same time, the fabless companies are no longer just design houses. Fabless companies, such as Knowles, InvenSense and others, are basically systems houses. They operate like an IDM, but they outsource the fabrication part to the foundries. As a foundry, we want to enable fabless companies. But will IDMs outsource to the foundries? Some of the successful IDMs already have a huge amount of fab capacity in-house. In terms of outsourcing, I don’t think they will duplicate those efforts unless they change their CapEx plans in the future. For the foundries, this is not very attractive to get into that type of business in the first place. Generally, the foundries are looking to enable mostly fabless companies with new technologies. So, by offering more efficient platforms for fabless companies, we can grow faster, as compared to being dependent on some spill over from the IDMs. On the other hand, there are some IDMs that have 6-inch fabs and smaller. Those people are considering investments other than new fabs. Those IDMs may consider foundries, rather than building a new fab. Foundries like GlobalFoundries already have 8-inch fabs for MEMS production.

林德纳:MEMS的最大机会在于铸造厂。铸造厂的可能性提供标准过程。但是我同意对IDMs拉克什的观点。IDM转移的可能性其专有的工艺铸造扩大IDM的能力可能是小的。一有能力扩大自己的能力。同时,铸造厂,有更高的增长率,是成功的专业公司。我的预测是,外包,是铸造业务和IDM新兴产业同样好的——旧媒体公司在未来更加平衡。此外,还有工厂lite的概念。有许多客户有飞行员线或研发能力。他们可能想出了一个他们想要制造的设备,但他们不希望投资于新工厂或线。 We support those customers with our equipment in a semi-automated fashion with the same process recipes. So, the ability to transfer those processes to a foundry is possible and easy. This is because it’s the same process module.


SE: MEMS中的fabless-foundry模型呢?

菲茨杰拉德:MEMS的双元模型正处于起步阶段,相当疲软。如果你看看Yole名单的前30名MEMS排名,只有两个是专业公司。其余的俘虏一。有一些公司做工厂lite。他们有自己的工厂,但是他们也有第二个源到另一个设备。我想说这一事实的证据我们没有一个强大的专业模型。现在看看著名的Jerry Sanders的名言:“真正的男人有晶圆厂。没人相信了。这是一个新时代,没有人能负担得起的晶圆厂。当然,一些人可以构建半导体晶圆厂。另一方面,MEMS晶圆厂可以不那么昂贵。 But the problem is the investor money is not there. No investor is going to fund and build a new MEMS fab today. Almost by default of the economic and investing climate, the new MEMS companies will be fabless. But they still face some significant barriers, because of the lack of process-specific information in the foundries. This, in turn, is because of the lack of full simulation capabilities. This, by the way, is not the fault of the EDA vendors. The EDA vendors know how to execute these kinds of simulations and put these capabilities in their software. The problem is the data is missing. That is, the data for the processes. I think everyone sees that the fabless model is the way of the future. It has to succeed. But the question is how and who will pay for that? So, that’s why there is a lot of interest in standardization. A lot of foundries are interested in how they can attract more fabless customers. So, for example, in the last year or two, we’ve seen several foundries offer inertial sensor platforms, such ST, Dalsa and X-Fab. I see this as a desire to reach out to fabless customers and offer them something more. But these are very early efforts and there is still a lot of work ahead.



SE: MEMS的未来在哪里?


菲茨杰拉德:如果你看看周围,我们使用创新的设备在医疗等领域。你看到心脏起搏器,胰岛素泵和生活质量的设备,如人工关节和膝盖。短期内,令人兴奋的MEMS应用医疗设备挽救生命和生活质量。但这是一个非常分散的市场,因为技术是非常具体的过程,器官或外科器械。铸造厂面临的挑战将是捕获业务,而不必有10000种不同的顾客都想要不同的东西。我也看好红外技术。建立了技术。但如果可以便宜,我们会看到爆炸为低成本应用体积。现在,这些芯片在数百美元。他们进入非常高端安全摄像头和科学仪器。 If we could see the costs go down, we could see them in automobiles and personal electronics.
林德纳:如果你专注于制造技术,我看到更多的3 d集成MEMS到来,由低功耗的要求。我看到这个行业将保持相同的形式因素,但客户将集成更多的功能在同一设备。可能,我们将看到与更高级的CMOS MEMS集成节点,可以带迁移到300毫米。这是因为非常先进节点不可用在200毫米。我不明白,明年。我想在5年内我们将有300毫米MEMS晶圆厂,至少在试点行。

Kumar:我们将看到与asic的集成MEMS微控制器和无线功能。也可以看到更多的集成CMOS MEMS,但这将是为特定的应用程序。这不是为各种各样的设备。从流程的角度,你可以做CMOS-MEMS集成在芯片级或包级别。在工厂层面,单片集成电路的好处与CMOS MEMS集成水平上升,低功耗、高速度和减少寄生。它特别适合做一个数组的传感器。它提供的能力降低和成本的形成因素。CMOS-MEMS一体化的权衡是制造的越来越复杂。有一个减少热预算MEMS-on-CMOS的制造。在大多数情况下,包访问的集成提供了更大的灵活性。 This allows the designer to optimize and integrate MEMS and CMOS separately using the most suitable technologies for each device.



