


汽车行业正处于一个巨大的和快速变化的在很多方面。oem厂商正在探索新的功能和特性添加到他们的车辆,包括chiplets、电气化、自治特性,以及新的车辆结构,确定车辆会从基础设计。所有的这些都是依赖于所有局中人的生态系统之间的关系。下面摘录一个专家小组最近在底特律AutoSens举行的会议,其中包括包括大卫·弗里茨,混合动力和虚拟系统的副总裁西门子EDA;副总裁和总经理Kamal艺汽车GlobalFoundries;副总裁和弗兰克Schirrmeister解决方案和业务发展Arteris IP

SE: chiplets被经常讨论的影响。这是什么意思的今天生态系统参与者之间的关系?



Schirrmeister:有很多挑战。如果你观察生态系统在一起,这是一个很好的机会。我完全同意。它让生活非常交际从OEM通过一级年代,通过层2 s,以及在知识产权方面,然后在工具方面,得到所需要的技术使其工作。选择一个例子,OEM将决定使用某些芯片在一起。他们需要互相交谈。UCIe是开始的方程。流的接口,它是绝对必要的。以上,你拥有整个协议栈。OEM将决定,某些组件需要相互交流,将要求使用什么样的协议。 For IP suppliers that support most of the protocols, it’s great. There are interfaces like CHI from part of AMBA, and there are other slightly competing bits. There’s UCIe. There’s also Bunch of Wires, and so forth. There are other mechanisms out there to connect potentially, so the OEM will make that decision. Then everybody in the design chain needs to fall in line and make sure those things fit together. Then the tools will be able to analyze it all, how it fits together, and the IP suppliers will provide the underlying building blocks, which are then implemented by the foundry.

弗里兹:这绝对是真的,但它真的是什么意思?我们都是工程师和前工程师,所以太容易深入到细节。让我们把自己的一分钟。我对六年前发表了一个声明,在五年内,地球上几乎所有OEM决定他们想成为业内成功超越这种转变将是至少考虑建立自己的出类拔萃。收到然后它不是很好,因为我是错误的,他们中的大多数是前看它五年前。他们已经更进一步,但学习的专业知识,技能,知识,做一个非常大的成本单片SoC真的就变得十分困难。这意味着,如果你有能力把这些死,这些chiplets已经存在,和所有你要做的就是包不同,有自己的线图,然后你可以调到你需要的东西,你不需要投资1亿美元,或者更像是一个毁约金美元——这些芯片。现在的问题是谁来产生chiplets。我们看到高通、三星和英特尔等公司,甚至二级nxp、英飞凌——他们思考这个问题。IP提供商(胳膊,Arteris IP Synopsys对此等)的一部分,。 If you have the ability to scale that down and say, ‘This is specifically what we know that we need, and we’ve got KPIs from our customers,’ I can build just that chiplet. I only have to validate that chiplet. If you have multiple companies building these chiplets, and then all you have to do as an OEM or a Tier 1 is put them together and decide what the pin-out is, then you have an ideal solution — or as close to ideal as we can get without investing hundreds of billions of dollars to make it work.


艺:个人chiplets会制造流程节点,或者一些过程技术,将是一个关键因素。然后我们将开始看包装技术和design-for-chiplet包装的概念。你需要做什么在硅水平,使容易验证和容易修复bug ?我们不要假装问题已经解决了。这是一个很好的概念。有很多工作要做,从铸造的EDA工具,我们如何验证这个问题,如何调试它。有很多工作要做,但我认为我们都同意这一概念是好的。


Schirrmeister:这也是唯一的出路。我们最好算出来,因为Kamal指出,摩尔定律让我们这样做,因为它是一种“摩尔多”的东西。chiplets有两个原因。当你有你现在想整合现有chiplets,他们需要与现有的芯片,让我们不要忘记等式的另一边,十字线的限制迫使你不再仅仅是更复杂的。如果他们可以,他们可能会。还有出类拔萃,但我们不要犯这个错误,这是唯一的出路超越摩尔定律。生产是非常重要的。集成和工具是很重要的。也是迷人的时间表。然后,有一个权力动态,必须遵守。 At a recent McKinsey/GSA event, they were talking about a Tier 0.5 emerging, which is a company in which the OEM and Tier 1 are discussing and trying to figure it out, but then it all trickles down into the tools, the IP, and the foundry underneath for it to be implemented. So there’s a whole new set of communication challenges that we need to work through, but it’s the only way out. We’d better figure it out.


艺:这个讨论是引发的记忆许多年前,当我们坐在辩论的下一代汽车架构。人们会出现在舞台上,问,“集中吗?这是中央计算吗?分布式吗?是纬向吗?域控制吗?首先,我将敦促我们不尝试寻找一个问题的解决方案。具体来说,我们试图解决的是什么chiplet方法,否则我们无法解决?我认为这是重要的。很酷的技术,不要误会我。 We’re all engineers and we love to solve things. But I urge caution there. And it brings brings us back to the question about this participation across all domains, even from the OEMs asking what is the problem that we need to solve for you that we cannot solve efficiently with what we have today that’s proven. Understanding that problem statement all the way from the OEM to whoever the Tier 1 may be, to the IP providers, to the EDA tools. That’s critical, and it’s an example of why the open channels of communication need to happen.

弗里兹:一种不同的方法可能是有用的。我想说,整个汽车系统被颠倒。我的意思是以前的层2 s顾客交谈,他们会设计一些硅,这就去一级。一级会做一些整合,跟oem厂商,然后把它卖给oem厂商。OEM会说,‘这是我想要的。这个是最接近的。因此,我打算买。的oem学到这一过程并不是当你进入大中央计算工作,当你进入高计算复杂度。你感觉堆里扔,扔各种人工智能,因为供应商不一定理解的深度实际上是你需要完成什么。通过颠倒我的意思是,为什么oem厂商真正关心你的缓存是多大? Or how many CPU cores? Why don’t they just say, ‘Here’s my KPI,’ because they’ve been doing that for the last 50 years and it’s not working anymore. Now the Tier 1s are feeling squeezed because there are outside companies coming in and talking directly to their customer, and they have no control over that conversation. The Tier 1 across the planet are asking how they stay relevant. They stay relevant by talking to these semiconductor companies that are doing new things, trying to figure out how all that works, and how all that comes together so they can provide something to the OEM. Now, the Tier 1, who I believe are likely to survive well through this transition, are pairing up closely to the OEMs. That is a 0.5, and sometimes these companies are being spun out. One example is Foxconn, which is coming up fast as a 0.5. There are lots of developments that are the result of that coalescing of the need to put things together.


